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International Shipping

Process for International Shipping

  1. Place Order
    1. 1.Purchase items with one seller.
    2. 2. Apply for shipping service
  2. Send to Gmarket
    1. SellerA
    2. SellerB
    3. SellerC
  3. Ready for International
    1. 1.Check and dispatch
  4. International Shipping
    1. Delivery completed
  • International shipping may take up to average 5~15 business days to get delivered.
    (International shipping process: The seller sends items to Gmarket warehouse → Actual Measurement and labeling → On Worldwide shipping )
  • There could be a delay in shipping due to shipping courier or custom issue by countries/areas.

Other helpful information

Shopping Cart
Shopping Cart is divided into two categories; Domestic & Overseas.
You can check out your selection of item(s) as well as weight and shipping fee based on this weight and shipping country.

For more information about 'actual calculation of International shipping', please click here.

International Shipping Fee
Shopping Cart
Gmarket calculates international shipping fee for all items deliver to worldwide.
See Gmarket International shipping fees and countries.
Tracking Packages
You can track your items at ‘My Gmarket>Shopping List’.
If you have any problems or inquiry regarding International shipping process,
you can contact to customer service center providing follow information.