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Smile Point

How do I get Smile Point?
You can get Smile Point when you buy in Gmarket. You can exchange Smile Point into Smile Cash if there are more than 10,000 points.
Make sure that you can’t purchase items or pay shipping fee by Smile Point itself.
  1. 1. Purchasing items on the site : Smile Point will be issued once the customer completes order if the seller apply as a promotion.
    Customers able to check on the item description page if the Smile Point is applied to the item by the seller.
  2. 2. Write a review : You can earn Smile Point by clicking 'Item Received' button in Shopping List.
    Please remember that you should click on Item Received button when you confirm that the item has been delivered successfully.
    You will receive Smile Point equivalent to 1% of your purchase price up to a maximum of 100 points per purchase.