- Domestic/International Shipping Orders
If you choose to cancel your order for any reason, you may do so only if the seller not yet accepted your order or delivery out
However you will be responsible for any additional cost occurred in relation with such cancellation.
In certain case, the seller may have already delivered your item(s) prior to update shipping status.
In such case, you may not cancel the order but you may apply for return and pay for the return cost only.
- For International Shipping Orders
- Once the item has been shipped to overseas(finished repacking and sent by Gmarket warehouse), No exchange is acceptable.
- For Korea Domestic Orders
Exchange is available within 7days after you receive the item(s) ordered.
To apply exchange on your order, please go to ‘My Gmarket>Shopping List’ and find the order then click on exchange.
Delivery person will visit you within 2days to pick up the package.
However, you may pay for applicable exchange cost unless you have received or discrepancy item(s).
- For International Shipping Orders
Please be careful and ensure to double check when you want to ship your item(s) to international.
Basically it is unavailable to cancel when the order status indicates ‘On Delivery' during domestic delivery process.
Once the item has been shipped to overseas (finished repacking & sent by Gmarket Warehouse),
no return will be accepted unless you return the item(s) due to discrepancy or defective item(s).
In case of discrepancy/defective item(s) is found, please contact immediately to Customer Service Center with your Gmarket ID,
transaction no. and image of discrepancy/defective item(s). We will guide you what to do after going through your claims. - For Korea Domestic Orders
Return is available within 7days after you received the item(s) ordered. When you return the non-defective item(s),
each seller will charge you for delivery fee. While you are applying for return, please clearly enter the reason for return
as this will affect and be responsible for the return fee of delivery.
For the swift process for the return, we recommend you to pay for return fee in advance. - Other noteworthy Information
- Exchange and Return claims only available to apply within 7days after delivery completed.
- Refund
You can check your refund status from ‘My Gmarket>Shopping List’.
Item(s) for no specific reason, your returning fee will be deducted prior to deposit in your Smile Cash.